1st Competition: 27/11/21
2nd Competition: 18/12/21
3rd Competition: 15/01/22
4th Competition: 12/02/22
Categories, Sponsorships & Awards
Category A,B,C Sponsored by Κέντρο Ορθοπεδικών Εφαρμογών (Κ.Ο.Ε)
1st Award Orthopedic Soles from Orthocyprus (K.O.E) worth €130 & €100 Voucher from Beretta Shooting Club Cyprus
2nd Award €200 Voucher from Beretta Shooting Club Cyprus
3rd Award €150 Voucher from Beretta Shooting Club Cyprus
4th – 6th Award €100 Voucher from Beretta Shooting Club Cyprus
Category Re-A,Re-B,Re-C Sponsored by The Stonehouse
1st Award 2-night stay at The Stonehouse Bath Spa in Monagri worth €260
2nd Award €150 Voucher from Beretta Shooting Club Cyprus
3rd Award €100 Voucher from Beretta Shooting Club Cyprus
Category D,Re-D Sponsored by EurostudiesCY
1st – 6th Winners will be awarded with trophies & medals
The Championship will consist of 4 matches of 50 compak sporting disks.
The games will be carried out during the weekend from 09.00 – 17.00
The results will be graded with penalty points.
Out of the 4 matches, the best 3 will count, according to the penalty points.
Orthocyprus (K.O.E) will award the Championship winners with customized trophies at the award ceremony taking place in February.
Eligibility to participate in each match is 25€ (50 disks). RE-ENTRY 20€
ADOLESCENTS’ Eligibility 10€ (50 disks)
All games will be carried out with open entry, without prior statement, for prompt service, while all the safety measures will be applied, as are stated by the regulations of the Ministry.
In case of a tie there will be a 25-disk race
Athletes competing in the Pancyprian championship and they are competing in the first category on 27/11/21, they will automatically belong to the special category A*. In this category, 10€ from each participation will be used to create a treasury that will be distributed to the winners, with the following percentages, 1st 50%, 2nd 30%, 3rd 20%. A* Athletes are not entitled to any of the awards, mentioned in point A and B.